

Start Date
17 June 2023
End Date
18 June 2023

Isola Bisentina opens its season 2023 celebrating the Infiorata flower festival. 

Saturday 17th June and Sunday 18th June 2023 the island will be dressed in flowers by the skilful hand of Associazione Infioratori Bolsena, who will arrange their flower creations in four locations on the island: the Darsena, the church of Santa Caterina, also known as “Rocchina”, the oratory of Monte Calvario and the church of Santa Concordia.

On this occasion, visitors will also have the opportunity to taste and purchase the typical products of Tuscia thanks to the participation of the local farms of the seven neighbouring towns of Lake Bolsena – Bolsena, Capodimonte, Gradoli, Grotte di Castro, Marta, Montefiascone, San Lorenzo Nuovo

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Suspendisse sit amet enim nec erat viverra fini bus. Aliquam ultrices nisi at odio aliquet, elemen tum malesuada magna ultricies. Suspendisse volutpat libero in nisi ullamcorper, venenatis vehicula neque. Suspendisse sit amet enim nec erat viverra fini bus. Aliquam ultrices nisi at odio aliquet, elemen tum malesuada magna ultricies. Suspendisse volutpat libero in nisi ullamcorper, venenatis vehicula neque

Plan your visit
Opening Times

Every day except Mondays and Wednesdays

Getting here

Isola Bisentina
Lago di Bolsena 01010
Capodimonte VT

Altri articoli

Where are we

Lago di Bolsena 01010
Capodimonte VT

Opening days

Every day except Monday and Wednesday
